How to create a task bar shortcut for Firefox private browsing

In today's world of vast internet activities, privacy is paramount. Firefox’s private browsing mode, a.k.a "Incognito Mode," is a brilliant feature that allows you to surf the web without saving any browser history, cookies etc. However, manually launching a new private window each time can be time-consuming.

This post will guide you through the simple steps to create a shortcut for Firefox Private Window right on your taskbar. This way, you can easily launch an incognito session with just a single click. Let's get started!

This would look like this

Creating the shortcut

  1. Click on the Start button or press the Windows Key on your keyboard to bring up the Start menu.
  2. In the search bar, type in "Firefox Private" and wait for the results to populate.
  3. "Firefox Private" should appear as a distinct option. Right-click on this. From the pop-up menu, choose Pin to taskbar.

And there you have it! A one-click shortcut to your Firefox Private Window, right on your taskbar.

I regularly use Firefox's Private Window for Google searches to prevent tracking by cookies and avoid search result personalization, offering a more neutral and private browsing experience.